Fondacioni Arte

Reload - 2018/2019

In 2018-2019, the ARTE Foundation is the winner of the RELOAD project, financed by UNDP and Shkodër Municipality.

The project envisioned raising awareness and appealing against violence against children and women. The purpose of this project was materialized by giving the opportunity to express themselves to vulnerable groups (children, young people and abused women) who, through diversified activities according to specifics, best promoted the necessary enterprise that the community must witness against violence.

“Art Against Violence” had as its protagonists the children of vulnerable groups between the ages of 5 and 15 (with equal gender representation), the young people of the city of Shkodra and the abused women. During the nine months of project implementation, 4 training cycles were carried out, 2 of which for children divided into groups depending on the type of training, in music and visual arts.

Trainings were also held for young people and abused women (social theater). The selection of protagonists ensured inclusiveness of age groups (children, youth and women), gender equality (among children and youth) and increased sensitivity towards vulnerable groups (violated women as well as Roma and Egyptian minorities).

“Art Against Violence” treats its protagonists in a very active way, stimulating your artistic habits. Internationally proven methods, such as “Music in Society” and “Social Theatre” guaranteed the full realization of the project’s goal. Within the framework of the ReLOaD call, the project entitled “Art against violence” carried out a series of activities with the aim of informing, supporting and sensitizing young people and vulnerable groups.

Specifically, the project had two categories of social groups in focus of its activities: a) children of Roma and Egyptian communities b) abused women and young people of the city of Shkodra. Within this project, a significant number of artistic interpretive activities were held, such as 6 concerts, 4 theater performances, 4 murals positioned in different places in the city of Shkodra, etc.